Just over a year ago, Mayor Bloomberg announced a redesign of NYC.gov, the official website of the government of New York City. When I learned of the announcement, I visited and clicked around. It’s an impressive site filled with helpful tools, incredibly useful resources, and history. Not all of the pages are pretty, but I appreciated that they were all under the same NYC.gov roof. One city, one domain1.
San Francisco is a bit different. We have a lot of domains. After the launch of the redesigned NYC.gov, I emailed the SF Department of Technology and they shared their list of 45 domains. I kept looking and found another 35.
In sharing this list, I’m hoping someone will make something awesome with it. I’ve shared this list on GitHub here.
If you find more, let me know and I’ll add them.
alertsf.org // AlertSF
ccsf.edu // City College of San Francisco
centralsubwaysf.com //...